Zebrafish… a small fish living in freshwater with a lifespan of roughly two years and a relatively random animal for an article. If you’ve come across any of my previous articles you’ll probably see I’m not against finding a random animal and then learning what makes it so cool to the nature it lives in, but Zebrafish are not random, and they are not only useful to their habitat, but in understanding a lot about what affects us as humans too.
Furthermore, the reproductive rate of zebrafish means that there is a consistent supply. They produce 200/300 offspring per pairing, compared to the 15 pups in 21 days a mouse could produce.
The value of the zebrafish extends further than just the embryo and reproduction as well. When it comes to a broken heart, most references are likely to be metaphorical, but not for the zebrafish. Adult zebrafish can restore their own hearts after being hurt, which could be useful in studying the response of heart attacks in people.
Is it ok to study them?
As useful as all these studies are, the term animal cruelty when it comes to animal testing is not an unheard one, and I’ve thought about this too. Animal regulations highlight that the animal you chose to test on must be capable of giving you the knowledge you desire but be the least capable of feeling that a study animal could be. When it comes to testing on mice, rats or fish, the latter is the least sentient, and therefore the better of the three to be testing. The EU Directive 2010/63/EU says that an animal experiment must be carried out on the most undeveloped available system, so the ability to study zebrafish as embryo’s could mean a reduction in studies that use adult fish and mammals.
Am I all bark and no bite…or rather all fins and no swim?
I’ve mentioned a lot of theory here, but there is evidence of it being put into practice as well. A study in 2007 (which you can read here) into ‘developmental biology of hematopoiesis, using the zebrafish,’ which means looking at the way your bone marrow makes your blood cells and platelets, using zebrafish as a model. The study used known chemicals, and tested their effects on Zebrafish to find 35 chemicals that suggest more stem cells will be produced.
So, Zebrafish might seem like a random article inspiration, and indeed they were a random animal for me the first time I heard about them, but hopefully you can see why they’re so much more than just a random animal. If you’re interested in where I found this whacky bit of inspiration that led to a whole study, check out the series Unnatural Selection!
About the Author: Ani Talwar is the Content Manager at WILD Magazine. Ani can be found at @Mischief.weavers; she cares passionately about sustainability and wrote the book Atro-City, The Flood, which introduces sustainability to readers in the form of a fiction adventure.