Grace Clift runs through all the ways you can help those in need this Christmas.
It’s that time again – the lights are up, and we can’t stop buying more decorations! Christmas is almost upon us with less than two weeks to go, and we’ve been reflecting on what it really means to celebrate. Buddy the Elf said that the best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear, but we can think of a couple other ways to make sure everyone is feeling the seasonal joy. Here’s how you can do something good for others this Christmas, and keep everyone feeling warm throughout the winter!
Buy gifts for those in need

Photo Credits: Christmas Gifts, Stéphanie Kilgast on Flickr
An excuse to shop – one of the best parts of Christmas! It’s always a thrill to find the perfect gift for your friends or family, that you know they’ll love. This Christmas, what if we extended the gift-giving spirit to strangers?
This is the perfect time of year to make someone else’s day, to make sure that we’re all having the joyful Christmas we deserve. Across the Uk, Shoebox Appeals are a way to do this. These are appeals for shoeboxes full of gifts to give as bundles to those in need. If you check in your local area, there may even be related events where you can make up boxes together.
If you’re more of an online shopper, there’s plenty of websites where you can buy for others and spread the spirit of giving. Choose Love is an online shop for refugees, where you can buy anything from toys to medical treatment. There’s even a subscription offer, if you want to commit for a longer time.
If you’re part of a company, consider joining Family Action’s Toy Appeal. The Appeal provides Christmas dinners, gifts and craft kits for financially struggling families. There’s an easy sign up on their website, as well as the opportunity to make one-time or subscription donations.
Give some extra thanks
We interact with so many workers throughout the year who provide services diligently and kindly, and often go unthanked. Healthcare workers, hospitality staff, public transport drivers and cleanup workers are only some of the incredible people who keep our days going smoothly. Spread the Christmas cheer as you’re going about your day!
If you’re popping into the pharmacy, consider bringing a tub of chocolate or a treat for the staff there. They face regular abuse from angry and stressed customers, and have helped all of us at least once this year. Give them a surprise they’ll appreciate.
If you’re going out for a Christmas meal, or even just stopping by a coffee shop, giving a bigger tip than usual to waiting staff means a lot. Most of us will have worked in hospitality at some point, and had to quietly put up with disrespectful customers. You have the opportunity to let them know their work is valued, especially in this busy Christmas period.
Of course, spending money is not the only way to show thanks. A compliment goes a long way, and being friendly and talkative is always appreciated!
Gift your time

Photo Credits: Charity Santa fun run at Manchester United's Old Trafford, Howard Lake on Flickr
If you can’t afford to splash out, you can still get into the giving spirit. Your time, care and commitment is worth more than you could imagine! There’s a variety of free or low-cost ways to help others this Christmas – here’s just a few:
● Get involved in a charity fundraiser – Macmillan has a variety of suggestions for festive events here
● Volunteer at your local Food Bank – some Food Banks have been forced to close early due to lack of staff, so any help is desperately needed!
● Sign up for a night a week at the Soup Kitchen – the sign up process for volunteering at the Soup Kitchen takes time, but if you start it now, your new year’s resolution to be more generous next year is already on track!
● Become a call companion – this means chatting with the elderly to combat loneliness, which you can do with Re-engage
Gift eco this year
Wild wouldn’t be Wild without mentioning the environmental support you can provide this season. There’s loads of adorable, environmentally beneficial gifts you can give (or put on your wish list!) this season.
Got a favourite animal? Love plushies? Adopt an endangered animal at WWF or a whale or dolphin via With WWF, it’s only £3 a month and you get a cuddly toy, welcome pack, regular updates and extra goodies! Keep this in mind for your last-minute Secret Santa gifts.
If you’re more interested in the trees than the turtles, you can protect an acre of the rainforest at, or Closer to home, you can sponsor a tree through
It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of the celebrations, but it’s important to remember that everybody’s Christmas is different. No matter how much or how little you have spare to give, any generosity will have an enormous impact on someone’s Christmas. If you’ve got any other ideas of how to help, or would like your charity promoted by Wild, contact us via our Instagram!