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Keep it clean, keep it green with The Green Company

The Green Company spoke with our Lifestyle editor, Charlie Walton, about their mission to wash away unsustainable cleaning practices, one eco-friendly product at a time.

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Cleaning — it's one of those tasks that we all have to tackle sooner or later, whether it’s washing your socks or wiping down the kitchen counters. But have you ever stopped to think about the impact your cleaning products have on the planet? While you’re making your home spotless, those products might be leaving a rather dirty stain on the environment.

The main impact is the single used plastic packaging that is thrown away. This adds to the nearly two billion pieces of plastic packaging UK households throw away weekly, of which only 12% is recycled in the UK. It’s not just the environment at risk; research shows that many common cleaning products also have harmful effects on your health.

So, as consumers, how do we ditch the dirt and the damage? The answer lies in making a conscious switch to eco-friendly alternatives for your everyday products. These green options not only help reduce your carbon footprint but also promote a healthier living environment. The Green Company, a leader in sustainable washing and cleaning solutions, is at the forefront of this movement. I had the opportunity to speak with them about their vision on how they aim to achieve a cleaner and greener future. Their commitment goes beyond just selling products; they aim to inspire a widespread shift towards more responsible and environmentally-friendly practices in households everywhere.

 Green Sheets™ non-bio laundry detergent. Credit: The Green Company.

How did The Green Company originate, and can you tell us about its mission regarding sustainability?

Founded in 2018 by students aiming to reduce single-use plastic, The Green Company quickly evolved from a school project to an e-commerce success amid Covid-19 challenges. Our innovative eco products, including our known and loved GreenSheets™ and GreenTabs™, have reached over 100,000 people in 150 countries. Now with a focus towards condensed cleaning solutions, we're committed to decreasing plastic and carbon footprints. Six years on, our mission persists: offering cleaner, greener alternatives to foster a sustainable future. Join us in embracing the Future of Cl

The Green Company team, founded in 2018, has helped deliver eco-friendly cleaning products to more than 100,00 people across 150 countries. Credit: The Green Company.

What inspired the team at The Green Company to focus on producing sustainable laundry and cleaning products?

The inspiration behind our focus on sustainable products came from a collective concern about the environmental impact of traditional cleaning solutions. We were particularly troubled by the excessive use of plastic and the harmful chemicals often found in these products. Additionally, we recognised the inefficiency in transporting bulky cleaning products that contain a lot of water, which contributes to higher carbon emissions. 


Our team wanted to create a range of alternatives that were not only effective but also kind to the environment. This led us to the concept of condensed cleaning products like GreenSheets™ and GreenTabs™. By concentrating the cleaning power into compact, dissolvable sheets and tablets, we significantly reduce packaging waste and lower the carbon footprint associated with transportation. These condensed products are lightweight, easy to use, and space-saving, making them a convenient and eco-friendly choice for households. 

We believed that by offering these convenient, eco-friendly options, we could make a significant difference in reducing household waste and carbon footprints while promoting healthier homes. Our mission is to make sustainable living accessible and practical for everyone, demonstrating that effective cleaning does not have to come at the expense of our planet.

What makes your products sustainable, compared to other conventional market options?

Our products are packaged with minimal, biodegradeable packaging reducing waste, but first and foremost are created using plant-based, non-toxic and biodegradeable ingredients that are safe for your home whilst being gentle on the environment. As a compact and lightweight product, these cleaning products have a reduced carbon footprint too by minimising emissions during transport.

 Green Sheets™ laundry detergent range.  Credit: The Green Company

Can you tell us a little about how and where you source the plant-based  ingredients for your products? 

We source our plant-based ingredients from reputable suppliers who share our commitment to sustainability. Our ingredients are carefully selected for their eco-friendly properties and effectiveness. For instance, we use organic dodecyl salt and palm-free decyl glucoside, which are derived from natural sources like coconut. We ensure that all our ingredients are ethically sourced, biodegradable, and free from harmful chemicals. This way, we can guarantee that our products are not only kind to your skin but also to the planet.

Do you find The Green Company faces challenges in maintaining sustainability, and how do you address these?

Maintaining sustainability does come with its challenges. One major challenge is sourcing high-quality, eco-friendly ingredients that meet our stringent standards. To address this, we work closely with our suppliers to ensure transparency and sustainability throughout the supply chain. Another challenge is educating consumers about the benefits of switching to sustainable products. We tackle this by providing clear, concise information about our products and their environmental impact, encouraging consumers to make informed choices.

What future goals or innovations does The Green Company have planned to enhance the sustainability of your products?

We are continuously looking to innovate and improve the sustainability of our products. Future goals include expanding our product range to cover more household cleaning needs with eco-friendly alternatives. Additionally, we actively explore more sustainable methods for all aspects of the business, such as using compostable packaging, which is also lighter than paper, reducing carbon emissions. 

Green Tabs ™ multipurpose spray Credit: The Green Company.

What advice do you have for consumers who want to make their cleaning routines more sustainable? How can we all make small lifestyle changes in our homes to protect the planet? 

There are several simple steps consumers can take to make their cleaning routines more sustainable: choosing eco-friendly products that use natural ingredients and biodegradeable packaging, like our GreenSheets™ and GreenTabs™, is a start.  By avoiding single-use plastics and looking for reusable and refillable options, plastic waste can be reduced when you need to replace empty products. On a smaller scale, using cold water for washing clothes and ensuring a full washer load for maximum efficiency can go a long way.

Why is it important for your company to engage and donate with other social giving programmes across the UK and Abroad?

Engaging and donating to social giving programmes is vital for us as it aligns with our core values of sustainability and community support. These programmes help us extend our impact beyond our products, contributing to broader environmental and social causes. By supporting initiatives that promote environmental conservation, education, and community development, we can help create a more sustainable and equitable world. This engagement also helps raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and encourages more people to join us in making a positive difference.

Try out some of The Green Company's eco sheets and tabs - they just might make you feel like celebrating! Credit: The Green Company.

You've heard what The Green Company has to say, but why not try it out for yourself and join their Green & Clean community. This month, the team are celebrating "Sustainable September" with competitions, live streams, and top tips for greener living. Head over to The Green Company and clean off your eco-friendly side!

For more information on The Green Company ethos and to keep up with their social media, visit:

About the Author:

Charlie Walton is  Zoology Masters student at the University of Sheffield, and Wilds lifestyle editor.  She has an interest in conservation and educational outreach.


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