Madelaine Stannard gives a beginner’s rundown of Darwin’s natural selection, and how humans are shaping evolution of the animal kingdom.
What is Natural Selection?
You don’t have to be a zoologist to know the name Darwin - you don’t even have to understand a word of ‘The Origin of Species’ to know that he was one of the greatest minds of the 19th century. A steady march throughout the 21st century has brought with it an enlightened understanding of sociological topics, such as race and gender, however some of Darwin's highly criticised theories contain colonial and racist subtones. But looking at Darwin’s work through an entirely scientific, evolutionary lens, biologists, naturalists, and denizens of planet Earth without an academic credit to their name can observe one of the most controversial, and yet oh-so-applicable theories we have - evolution.
It shocked the nation to its core, snatching at the heart of religious belief, but the great thought behind the ideas of Darwin, Lamarck, Wallace and others was this: all living things are related, and all have their origins, deep in the prehistoric history of the planet.
It was Darwin’s conclusion that humans, Homo sapiens, arose from an ape ancestor deep in the Miocene, that elicited the strongest reaction from the general public, and his ideas were for some time widely criticised. But for many people today, it is of firm belief that from monkey arose man, and a series of gradual changes to form and function, over the course of millennia, has resulted in the human race.
