Green Victimology - Who are the Victims of the Climate Crisis?
In this article, Eleanor Meehan discusses the concept of “green victimology”, and the focus on the victims of environmental crimes such as illegal wildlife trade and environmental harm. She writes of the challenges in defining and prioritising these victims, and the difficulty of legal implementation of green victimology being fully integrated into criminal law.
Pretty simple so far, right? However, applying this in practice to the modern world has its difficulties, especially when we’re asking who defines a victim of environmental crimes, and are all victims affected equally?
Environmental protest. Image credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash.
Who, or what, are green victims?
When it comes to thinking about victims of environmental harm, our first thought may go to victims of extreme weather conditions, such as the Australian bushfires, and floods in Pakistan. The topic of ‘climate refugees’, a term to describe those who have lost their homes and livelihoods through floods, drought or other environmental harms, is becoming more common/These people are still, however, referred to as the ‘world’s forgotten victims’. This is because we tend to perceive climate change as an abstract concept, something that we can only see on maps or in scientific research papers. The real, devastating effects of the climate crisis are happening right now, and yet many people still view it as a future risk.
One of the hardest aspects of gaining ‘environmental justice’ is that it relies onsubjective and often self-defined definitions of victimisation. Such as the question, how do we formally identify the victims of environmental harm when local and national leaders themselves do not acknowledge the victimisation of those that they govern? This has led to an ongoingtensionbetween non-human and human victims of environmental crimes or harm, with non-humans rarely being seen as worthy of attention. We seem to have createda hierarchy of victims, and, by extension, how worthy we believe victims to be, or if we acknowledge them as victims at all. This dictates how much attention and support they are given.
But, as we know, environmental victimisation is not only a human experience and often the natural world is forgotten asit cannot ‘prove’ itself as being worthy of help. Describing wildlife, nature, or the environment itself as a ‘victim’ is a very abstract idea, yet the severe and wide-spread harm that has been caused to our world by humanity cannot be ignored. The question must be asked: who should be held accountable?
Firefighters tackling extreme wildfires, heightened by climate change. Image credit: Mikhail Serdyukov on Unsplash
What should we do?
To try and give some options on how to answer this complex question, we should look at the current arguments.
The most significant ongoing argument is that environmental harms committed against non-humans should be treated with the same severity as human victims, especially regarding legal proceedings. The main example being the‘Stop Ecocide’ campaign. This campaign focuses on the legal definition of ecocide, stated as the“mass damage and destruction of ecosystems, severe harm to nature which is widespread or long term”. They want to see ecocide added to the International Criminal Court, which so far includes genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. This would make ecocide an arrestable offence, where those causing harm can be criminally prosecuted, and would start a shift away from only using methods of suing or fining corporations, who often budget for this possibility, and does not cause any significant damage to their business.
Global Witness wants crimes against the environment to be recognised internationally because it would not only act as a deterrent against the most harmful acts committed against the climate, and by extension those most vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis, but would also hold symbolic value. The main benefit being that it would send a“clear message that the culture of impunity with regards to environmental destruction is over”.
So overall, the prospect of green victimology being applied to criminal law and the legal protection of non-human victims is not looking all that likely at the moment. But this is not to say that it will never happen, or that we should give up on the hope of establishing climate justice for all those affected, human and non-human alike. In summary, the less international protection that human victims of environmental harm gain, the less protection afforded to non-humans, and vice versa. The climate crisis is a shared crisis, which calls for shared, collective responsibility for all those that are harmed. It is therefore in our own interest to understand all environmental/climate-related crime and its causes in order to protect its victims, and hopefully, in the future, this belief will become less of a theoretical ‘study’ of victims, with slightly confusing terminology, but a reality that creates positive change and protection.
About the author: Eleanor Meehan is a Criminology graduate from Lancaster University. She has a keen interest in the relationship between climate justice and social justice.